Radiation Detection Capabilities

The UWNR has a variety of detectors. Samples can be given to UWNR staff to be counted on a given detector and some detectors can be used in person at the UWNR facility.

  • High Purity Germanium Detectors for Gamma Spectroscopy
  • Sodium Iodide Detectors for Gamma Spectroscopy
  • Thin Window Proportional Counters for Low Level Swipe Counting and Source Leak Testing
  • Liquid Scintillation Counter for Gross Alpha, Gross Beta Analysis including Tritium Analysis
  • Handheld Geiger Energy-Compensated Counters
  • Handheld Ionization Chambers
A High Purity Germanium Detector counting a sample of water.

The UWNR staff is also capable of calibrating health physics instruments with low range gamma and neutron sources. Higher range gamma calibrations can be done at the UWMRRC.